2009年8月31日 星期一

快收手吧!STOP IT!


Community Service - Part 3

Date : 30 September 2007

Family Game (亲子游戏): We played with the kids. Haha~~

The 3 little girls are my secret daughters... haha~~

Handicrafts Lesson (手工艺班): I teached the kids to make some interesting hadicrafts

Date : 1 October 2007

Campfire (营火会):It attracted more than 100 villages came and joint us

Wow... even the "ling bo wu" not a difficulty for them

Date : 2 October 2007

Interviewing Villages (亲善访问) :We walked all around the Village B and C at Sekinchan and interviewed the villages there

Suddenly I saw a oldster falled into the drain, then we quickly brought her up, her left hand was injured

The last day of our community service, we had finished the wall painting in the school, nice boh?

Closing Ceremony (闭幕典礼)

2009年8月30日 星期日

Community Service - Part 2

Date : 27 September 2007 until 4 October 2007
Venue : Sekinchan, Selangor
Activity : Undergraduate Community Service Programme

After we prepared all the needed equipment, on 27 September we went to Sekinchan to started our amazing trip! Let's go~~

Date: 27 September 2007

We were welcomed by the kids there while we were just going down from the bus

We quickly decorated the background of the stage for the opening ceremony at that night. How do you feel about the decoration? I felt that it got a bit "islam" feel~~ haha~~

The uncle aunty are my "temporary parents" there. They are the villages of Sekinchan and voluntary to take care of us during the period while we stay there.

Date: 28 September 2007

We organized an information fair (资讯展) which provided the information about technology, education, atmosphere, geography etc. to the students there.

Date: 29 September 2007

One-Day Camp: There were about 150 students participated this activity. All the students were very enjoy to play with us!

Drawing Competition: See... you guess what the girl was drawing?

2009年8月29日 星期六

Community Service - Part 1

I will never forget about it, this meaningful community service which I took part 2 years ago, gave me a lot a lot of sweet memories. It was really a nice experience for me, because of it, I learned a lot which I have never touched before in my life. I can still remember, when I 1st joint this community service in TAR College, I didnt expect it would make my college life different! TOTALLY! Although I had to spread out my majority personnal time to participate the activities (It was the most busy society in TAR College), but it was really worth for me.

This is my group member, we made the souvenier.

Wor... Finally we finished it. U guess how much of it? Total 100!!! That's really nice feeling when our result out. But... tired ar....

Before we went to the rural area and provide services to them, we made a very clear proposal 1st, that proposal contained all the activities that will be held there. This is the meeting with the secretary of MCA Sekinchan, Mr.Lee.

After that, we started to prepare all the things before we went to Sekinchan (the place where we went to service). We only have 1 week to do our preparation! Where got enough time? You thought we are superman and superwomen? During that week, we had experienced that never slept for 2 days!!! Really really rush...

Besides that, we were also to practice "shou yu dance" (手语). This was one of the performance that we would perform during community service. So nice...

ZzzZzZzzz... all of us fall in sleep... this is the evidenve that we were really tired during the preparation week.